Sunday, November 25, 2007

Friday and Saturday Ceremonies

I drank on friday night out with don Lucho. It was the first time I had ever drank with anyone since meeting don Juan, my teacher. But because don Lucho will be participating in the Amazon Curandero Seminar in April, I wanted to know him better and to know his ceremony style. It was a really good experience for me because I came to appreciate don Juan even more. Sometimes you take for granted what you have because you get used to it. It takes a change in perspective, a change in environment, some sort of change, to let you see things more clearly. That is what happened for me. I had many beautiful visions that night, although the ayahausca did not give me these visions easily. I had to concentrate very hard to see them, and then it took all I had to maintain them. I was meditating for a good portion of the ceremony.
I saw what I needed to do to improve my health, and I am on a new path. It feels great.

Last night I drank with don Juan again. I had fasted the entire day, and then before the ceremony I chewed some coca leaves. I was so energized for the ceremony that I sang like a champ and helped out don Juan and felt total joy and bliss the entire night. I vomited pure liquid and it felt great to really purge the toxins from my body. I had gorgeous visions of the future, including seeing my son born in the jungle. I helped with the childbirth, all natural, out at the jungle camp. It was a feeling like no other to see my son emerge to take his first breath, to hold him in my hands and look into his eyes. I feel so much love in my heart just knowing that my son will be born, that I will have a wife, and that we will have a beautiful life together.

What a pleasure it is to be alive. What a blessing it is to experience this marvelous and mysterious world. I am born again, revived, and I will never be the same. Ayahausca is truly a magical medicine, and it has helped me more than words could ever say. Thank you ayahuasca, thank you god, thank you to the whole universe and the universes beyond. I love you.


1 comment:

KevBurnsJr said...

I did a 12 day dieta with Lucho Panduro Vasques at his place, Chicoruna. Brew was thick in texture and light on admixtures. Strong purge, few visions. More emphasis on the purgative rather than visionary aspects of the medicine.

Beautiful compound he's got out there.