Monday, September 15, 2008

Ayahuasca's mission....

I have been working with ayahuasca for over 5 years now, and I have begun to see this magical medicine as a way to turn people around, from worshiping in the church of the almighty dollar to again remembering our spirits, our connection to each other and to the whole, and the importance of finding within the answers to our questions.
Thanks to the miracles I have witnessed, I have raised my beliefs in what is humanly possible, for what is human is spirit as well, and what is spirit is god, and what god can do, so can we.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I'm really gonna try to write these now...

It's been way too long since I wrote here. I even forgot my password to log on. I have had so much happen as well since my last post. Way too much to put in one post. The most important thing is that the film crew that was down here in January has finished the film, entitled Ayahuasca Diary, and has entered it into the Sundance Film Festival. I am so excited about that, even though I still have yet to see the totally finished full length feature film.
What I have seen and heard is amazing, and the results of the healing retreat for the four people featured in the film were so positive that I am sure it will create a buzz in many areas should it get featured in the festival. In particular, the cancer patient went back to LA for another biopsy, only to find out that he no longer had cancer. That was wonderful to see. The other three patients' conditions improved greatly and all in just 18 days of treatment, and along with the stress and annoyance of having the film crew in their face the whole time. It was a trying time for us all, but it was all worth it, now that the film is actually done and the chance for so many people to see the potential of ayahuasca and plant spirit medicine is so real.
I will do my best to keep writing in this. Feel free to email me at for more information on the film, our healing retreats, the initiation courses and apprenticeship opportunities, and the Curandero Seminar scheduled for next April. I hope you are all doing well, healthy and happy and enjoying the mysteries of life.
Ciao for now...